FRIDAY 9th August


7.00p.m. FOR 7.30p.m.


Dalreoch United Free Church

Hawthornhill Road


£5.00 per person

Includes supper


No more than 4 members per team


To book your team a place phone 01389 731415/01389 732098

Hawaiian Night

Beetle Drive!

Christmas Tea

Quiz Night

Quiz Night

In light of the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and as a mark of respect, the beetle drive planned for this evening has been postponed.


Happy Easter

It was a great joy to celebrate Easter together with far fewer restrictions than recent years.

Dumbarton Churches Together held a service on Good Friday at the site of St Serf’s church, a hardy band from Dalreoch walked down with a cross

On Easter Sunday we met at Havoc before service, with egg rolling of course

To finish the service we took the beautiful flower cross outside and worshipped outside

Gift Service

The members and friends of Dalreoch UFC very generously gave this marvellous selection of gifts at our gift service to be distributed by the Mental Health Forum. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed.